How to Use Photoshop’s AI Generative Fill Tool Right Now

09 Aug 2023

Adobe Photoshops new Generative Fill AI tool lets you manipulate photos with text

Learn the ins and outs of Adobe’s new generative AI so you can create beautiful images. Make sure the selection overlaps with the existing photo. Simply start by extending the canvas using the crop tool. However, instead of leaving the prompt empty, enter a description of what you want to be generated. Coaxing the image you want out of any AI Generator right now takes time and a lot of prompt tweaking. Adobe’s new AI Photoshop feature is no exception to that.

When a layer is generative you will notice three options in the Properties window. By selecting these you can change the output of the prompt to see if another options suits your goal better. Have you ever wished you could change certain aspects of your photos, extend them to show more of the subject or convert a portrait shot into a landscape one? Until recently, all of those tasks were possible but they required advanced Photoshop skills.

Full Breakdown – Adobe Firefly’s Commercial Release

But it is capable of handling complex images with ease. This is where the different blending modes come into the picture. You will find the option of trying out different blending modes, letting you control the transparency and blending of the generated fill. So try the different options and pick the one that best suits your need.

Release your mouse button to remove the distraction, and it’s gone. Content-Aware Fill isn’t just a one-trick pony; it offers a full suite of controls. You can fine-tune your selection, adjust color and brightness, and even rotate the fill pattern Yakov Livshits for a seamless blend. All of this happens in a dedicated workspace that features a real-time, full-resolution preview. Every time we’d go to an art museum, she’d linger at various oil paintings on display, enjoying the mastery of the art form.

Five features I want to see come to Photoshop

Deleting unused Generative Layers and variations makes a big difference, or saving the result as a TIFF with the layers discarded. But you can’t assume that the feature will get it right every time. Strangely, in multiple attempts the tool assumed that we wanted to replace the person with another, random, person.

You might be more familiar with AI’s ability to write like a human with applications like ChatGPT. But artificial intelligence can also be used for creating and editing images. Instantly retouching or replacing anything inside Photoshop. Colin Smith shows you how to extend images, replace images and generate art within Photoshop 2023. Before following the tutorial you will need to have downloaded the beta version of Photoshop. To do this go to your Creative Cloud app and go to Beta Apps in the left hand menu.

how to use generative ai in photoshop

I played around with generating more backgrounds and it did really well almost every time. I also tried generating natural backgrounds rather than an office setting and it fared even better. The uses for this tool are potentially endless in the right hands. These buttons can do a lot by themselves, and it’s worth playing around with them to see what kind of uses you can find for them.

Yakov Livshits
Founder of the DevEducation project
A prolific businessman and investor, and the founder of several large companies in Israel, the USA and the UAE, Yakov’s corporation comprises over 2,000 employees all over the world. He graduated from the University of Oxford in the UK and Technion in Israel, before moving on to study complex systems science at NECSI in the USA. Yakov has a Masters in Software Development.

Articificial intelligence is exploding at the moment, with more uses for it appearing on the market all the time, but plenty of them are actually quite hard to get your virtual hands on. Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on With this release of Photoshop, you’ll have access to a generative AI model that is ethically sourced via Adobe Stock. Select an area in your image, then describe what you’d like to add. Before you proceed, ensure you’re connected to the internet, as Generative Fill requires cloud processing.

how to use generative ai in photoshop

Generative Fill and Generative Expand are intriguing tools to play around with, but they currently fall short of the realism needed for commercial work. That’s not to say they’re useless; they excel in the realm of illustrations, where the expectation for hyper-realism is often more lenient. In these contexts, the tools perform well and can deliver some creative and visually pleasing results. When you’re first onboarded, there are videos and tooltips that guide you through generating your first asset, so you’re never flying blind. In March 2023, Adobe announced the release of Firefly, its AI image generator. After being in public beta and available through Photoshop Beta for months, Adobe has now officially launched Firefly to the public.

How to use Photoshop AI – Generative Fill explained

We do not need to tinker with Photoshop’s settings to fill in areas with new textured realistic objects. With Generative Fill, Photoshop AI magically takes care of any detail you want to change about your image. Adobe’s new Photoshop AI feature, “Generative fill,” could be a game-changer for budding artists.

  • Here’s how to use Generative Fill to do all sorts of fun things in PhotoShop more quickly and easily than ever before.
  • AI can radically modify the appearance and feel of your photos by adjusting everything from the weather to the color of the sky.
  • A breakthrough in design and editing as it gives photo editors and designers the option to rapidly create a plethora of new works.
  • Adobe’s AI is a growing toolset in the Photoshop arsenal.

What used to take hours can now be accomplished in mere seconds, allowing you to focus more on refining your creative vision. So go about and use this tool as per your liking, and experiment with different prompts to get impressive results that let you materialize your unique imagination. Yes, Generative Fill can work on complex images seamlessly. The deep-learning algorithm built into the feature takes the current image information and analyzes it rigorously to produce an image that completely blends with the original image. Once you are happy with the resultant image, save the image on your local storage. This is the same as what you see with the regular image-saving feature of Photoshop.

Photoshop Generative Fill

This floating toolbar provides options based on what tool you have selected. At its default state the Contextual Task Bar offers you the ability to quickly select the subject or remove the background. If you are not satisfied with the generated image you have created start again and enter new text prompts. Some users might not love the marching ants (selection) when working in Photoshop. A better way to make your selections stand out is by using Photoshop’s object selection tool. It’s excellent for highlighting individual areas for heightened visibility and gives you a more visual representation of the area you’re working with.

how to use generative ai in photoshop

The result of the burst was quite strong so I use masks to dial it down. You will need to have and Adobe account access both Firefly and Photoshop Beta in order to follow this tutorial. (We have the latest discounts on Adobe Creative Cloud updated regularly.) Once signed up, log into Creative Cloud and go to the Beta section in the left hand menu to find Photoshop. If you don’t see the Generative Fill button in your Photoshop installation just yet, you’ll have to switch over to the beta branch. You will also need an active Adobe Creative Cloud subscription, although I had success with the free seven-day trial. Drag an image into the workspace and use the Lasso Tool to select an area, as shown below.

US Copyright Office denies protection for another AI-created image – Reuters

US Copyright Office denies protection for another AI-created image.

Posted: Wed, 06 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

However, that feature relies on imprecise guesswork to fill in the background. Generative Fill, on the other hand, uses machine learning to achieve extremely convincing results. For those unfamiliar, Generative Fill empowers users to effortlessly incorporate new elements into their images through the use of simple text prompts. This innovative function enables the addition of objects, individuals, or even a complete transformation of the background.